
QuantumBW launched

QuantumBW launched

On 21 April 2023, QuantumBW — a major innov­a­tion initi­at­ive for quantum techno­lo­gies of the state of Baden-Württemberg — has been launched in the Centre for Applied Quantum Techno­logy at the Univer­sity of Stutt­gart by Minis­ter Presid­ent Winfried Kretschmann, Minis­ter of Science Petra Olschow­ski and Minis­ter of Econom­ics Dr. Nicole Hoffmeister-Kraut, together with partners from science and industry, many of them members of or associ­ated with IQST. QuantumBW will bundle activ­it­ies and initi­at­ives, with the aim of further strength­en­ing exist­ing activ­it­ies and clusters, and increas­ing their inter­na­tional visib­il­ity even more.

IQST is delighted to be an integ­ral part of this excit­ing initi­at­ive. We will actively support, drive and help to shape the mission of QuantumBW. This includes in partic­u­lar enabling close collab­or­a­tion between industry and academia with flexible access to research infra­struc­ture, and the contin­ued build-up of a quantum ecosys­tem in the state of Baden-Württemberg, so that academic insti­tu­tions, global indus­trial players and start-ups can join forces efficiently.

The QuantumBW office, which coordin­ates the activ­it­ies of the innov­a­tion initi­at­ive and serves as the first point of contact, is managed by IQST, together with the Fraunhofer Insti­tutes for Applied Solid State Physics (IAF) and for Indus­trial Engin­eer­ing (IAO), and is jointly funded by the Baden-Württemberg Minis­tries of Science, Research and the Arts and Econom­ics, Labour and Tourism. 

Photos: Univer­sity of Stutt­gart / Uli Regenscheit

More inform­a­tion

IQST PhD Retreat 2023

IQST PhD Retreat 2023

Doctoral students from across the IQST community met from 14 to 16 June 2023 for their annual IQST PhD retreat. For three days they swapped their labs and offices for the idyllic Reisens­burg Castle near Günzburg, to embark — together with distin­guished guests — on a journey through diverse aspects of science and scientific exchange. The programme includes science lectures, an industry talk, PhD tutori­als, soft-skill train­ing and poster sessions — together with plenty of oppor­tun­ity for exchange and networking.

Welcome to three new IQST fellows

Welcome to three new IQST fellows

It is our great pleas­ure to welcome Dr. Aparajita Singha (Max-Planck Insti­tute for Solid State Research, Stutt­gart, Germany), Prof. Dr. Anke Krüger (Insti­tute of Organic Chemistry, Univer­sity of Stutt­gart) and Dr. Tim Langen (5th Insti­tute of Physics, Univer­sity of Stutt­gart) as new IQST fellows of the IQST.

The research of Aparajita Singha is dedic­ated to advanced imaging techniques, with a partic­u­lar focus on magneto­metry with nitrogen-vacancy (NV) centres in diamond. With her group she addresses intriguing questions in the field of nano-scale magnet­ism, quantum control, and nano-scale trans­port phenomena.

The research of Anke Krüger is focused on nanocar­bon mater­i­als. Her group produces and charac­ter­izes new carbon­aceous mater­i­als and works on their controlled surface modific­a­tion for a wide range of applications.

The group of Tim Langen uses ultracold atoms and molecules for applic­a­tions in quantum simula­tion and preci­sion measure­ments. His interest includes in partic­u­lar exotic new states of matter, such as super­solids, which display both super­fluid and crystal­line proper­ties at the same time.

We look forward to contin­ued fruit­ful inter­ac­tions with our newest fellows and their groups.