Mission IQST

Shaping the quantum future

With its broad approach to quantum science and techno­logy — from perform­ing funda­mental research to provid­ing a contact point for industry, policy makers and the public — IQST aims to make a fruit­ful contri­bu­tion to a future in which quantum techno­lo­gies will have an increas­ingly import­ant role.

The IQST members form an inter­dis­cip­lin­ary research network that is uniquely positioned to carry out blue-sky basic research across discip­lin­ary bound­ar­ies. In doing so, new funda­mental questions that inspire future quantum research are discovered, and new mutually inspir­ing inter­ac­tions are estab­lished with an ever increas­ing number of fields of science and technology. 

IQST focusses on projects at the inter­face of physical sciences, engin­eer­ing and computer science, and life sciences and medicine – and across these disciplines.