QuantumBW launched

On 21 April 2023, QuantumBW — a major innov­a­tion initi­at­ive for quantum techno­lo­gies of the state of Baden-Württemberg — has been launched in the Centre for Applied Quantum Techno­logy at the Univer­sity of Stutt­gart by Minis­ter Presid­ent Winfried Kretschmann, Minis­ter of Science Petra Olschow­ski and Minis­ter of Econom­ics Dr. Nicole Hoffmeister-Kraut, together with partners from science and industry, many of them members of or associ­ated with IQST. QuantumBW will bundle activ­it­ies and initi­at­ives, with the aim of further strength­en­ing exist­ing activ­it­ies and clusters, and increas­ing their inter­na­tional visib­il­ity even more.

IQST is delighted to be an integ­ral part of this excit­ing initi­at­ive. We will actively support, drive and help to shape the mission of QuantumBW. This includes in partic­u­lar enabling close collab­or­a­tion between industry and academia with flexible access to research infra­struc­ture, and the contin­ued build-up of a quantum ecosys­tem in the state of Baden-Württemberg, so that academic insti­tu­tions, global indus­trial players and start-ups can join forces efficiently.

The QuantumBW office, which coordin­ates the activ­it­ies of the innov­a­tion initi­at­ive and serves as the first point of contact, is managed by IQST, together with the Fraunhofer Insti­tutes for Applied Solid State Physics (IAF) and for Indus­trial Engin­eer­ing (IAO), and is jointly funded by the Baden-Württemberg Minis­tries of Science, Research and the Arts and Econom­ics, Labour and Tourism. 

Photos: Univer­sity of Stutt­gart / Uli Regenscheit

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