Partner insti­tu­tions

We bring together a team of physi­cists, chemists, engin­eers, mathem­aticians, and life scient­ists working in dedic­ated state-of-the-art facil­it­ies at the Univer­sity of Stutt­gart, Ulm Univer­sity, and the Max Planck Insti­tute for Solid State Research in Stutt­gart as well as at other univer­sit­ies in the state of Baden-Württemberg. 

Currently IQST has fellows from the univer­sity of Stutt­gart, Ulm Univer­sity, Max Planck Insti­tute for Solid State Research, Heidel­berg, Univer­sity, KIT Karls­ruhe and the Univer­sity of Konstanz. 

IQST collab­or­ates also with inter­na­tional partners: Univer­sity of British Columbia, Univer­sity of Tokyo and Hebrew Univer­sity Jerusalem.