We find new solutions

Quantum comput­ing and quantum sensing for societal challenges

The IQST network provides unique tools and ideas to contrib­ute to mission-driven inter­dis­cip­lin­ary research for the benefit of society, with direct practical impact of quantum comput­ing and quantum sensing in fields such as

  • Life sciences and clinical applic­a­tions:
    IQST aims research­ing biolo­gical phenom­ena, and at explor­ing the role of coher­ence in complex biolo­gical processes such as photo­syn­thesis. Our aim is to advance metabolic and nanoscale MRI for precise molecu­lar imaging in clinical applic­a­tions, poten­tially enabling brain-machine inter­faces, person­al­ized medicine, and insights into brain and heart activ­ity.
  • Sustain­ab­il­ity:
    IQST aims at explor­ing whether quantum techno­lo­gies can contrib­ute to sustain­ab­il­ity. Examples are advanced mater­i­als with novel proper­ties or the quantum simula­tion of chemical processes that could lead e.g. to the devel­op­ment of more efficient batter­ies.

IQST realises physical quantum computers on multiple platforms and pioneers innov­at­ive quantum software:

IQST brings together expert­ise in quantum hardware and quantum software to address challenges such as realising quantum algorithms on physical systems whilst controlling and mitig­at­ing errors:

  • Photonic quantum computers:
    using single photons and integ­rated photonics to process quantum inform­a­tion.
  • Spin-based quantum computers:
    explor­ing electron and nuclear spins for quantum comput­ing, includ­ing the design of coher­ent spin qubits and the use of advanced control techniques.
  • Atom-based quantum computers:
    based on arrays of trapped atoms.
  • Quantum algorithms and software:
    specific­ally tailored to our quantum hardware computers, and includ­ing specific gate sequences and error-correction techniques.

IQST devel­ops a wide range of quantum sensors using various approaches:

  • Quantum-enhanced magnetic reson­ance
    for quantum-enhanced hyper­pol­ar­iz­a­tion.
  • Quantum coher­ence and entan­gle­ment as a resource for quantum sensing and metro­logy
    by explor­ing differ­ent exper­i­mental platforms and applic­a­tions, with a partic­u­lar focus on NV centres in diamond.
  • Theory and quantum-enhanced sensing
    such as devel­op­ing robust theor­et­ical models and design­ing novel algorithms for quantum-enhanced sensing.