We ask new questions

From quantum physics and mater­i­als to innov­at­ive integ­rated devices

IQST explores various model systems and cutting-edge techniques to study the behaviour of matter and photons:

Our research focuses on funda­mental studies of the proper­ties of matter and photons. Through the use of model systems and the devel­op­ment of innov­at­ive techniques, IQST aims to address funda­mental scientific questions including

  • Invest­ig­ate entan­gle­ment, correl­a­tions, and many-body effects in complex quantum systems at differ­ent length and time scales.
  • Gain insight into quantum phase trans­itions in matter and photonic systems, and under­stand the mechan­isms driving them.
  • Study emergent phenom­ena and topolo­gical states to discover poten­tial novel behaviour arising from intric­ate quantum inter­ac­tions.

IQST explores these questions using a range of quantum-mechanical systems and techniques:

  • Photonic systems
    includ­ing quantum states of light and photonic platforms, both as quantum systems in their own right and to inter­act with matter-based systems.
  • Matter and spin qubits:
    using atoms, molecules and spins with a focus on the controlled manip­u­la­tion of these systems.
  • New model systems
    such as molecules and atoms on surfaces to explore surface inter­ac­tions and chemical struc­tures.
  • Novel techniques and methods
    such as quantum probes in condensed-matter systems to probe and manip­u­late matter-photon inter­ac­tions — or mater­i­als chemistry to enhance and under­stand differ­ent quantum proper­ties.

IQST develop novel quantum devices combin­ing computer science, electrical engin­eer­ing, photonics and physics:

IQST explores photonics and electron­ics to develop novel quantum devices that enable funda­mental quantum exper­i­ments, estab­lish a quantum advant­age, or intro­duce new function­al­it­ies. This includes: 

  • Design and automa­tion software
    such as novel design methods for integ­rated quantum devices, includ­ing automated design for photonics, electron­ics, mater­i­als and device descrip­tions at the level of single quanta.
  • Photonic integ­ra­tion
    using various integ­rated photonic platforms to improve perform­ance and to realize new function­al­it­ies.
  • Electronic integ­ra­tion
    includ­ing cryogenic electron­ics and non-linear inter­ac­tions to enhance the perform­ance and control of quantum devices.
  • Co-integration
    and estab­lish­ing strong links between hardware design and software method­o­lo­gies, thus enabling the efficient devel­op­ment of integ­rated quantum devices – as well as co-integration of electronic and photonic compon­ents in quantum devices.