Welcome to three new IQST fellows

It is our great pleas­ure to welcome Dr. Aparajita Singha (Max-Planck Insti­tute for Solid State Research, Stutt­gart, Germany), Prof. Dr. Anke Krüger (Insti­tute of Organic Chemistry, Univer­sity of Stutt­gart) and Dr. Tim Langen (5th Insti­tute of Physics, Univer­sity of Stutt­gart) as new IQST fellows of the IQST.

The research of Aparajita Singha is dedic­ated to advanced imaging techniques, with a partic­u­lar focus on magneto­metry with nitrogen-vacancy (NV) centres in diamond. With her group she addresses intriguing questions in the field of nano-scale magnet­ism, quantum control, and nano-scale trans­port phenomena.

The research of Anke Krüger is focused on nanocar­bon mater­i­als. Her group produces and charac­ter­izes new carbon­aceous mater­i­als and works on their controlled surface modific­a­tion for a wide range of applications.

The group of Tim Langen uses ultracold atoms and molecules for applic­a­tions in quantum simula­tion and preci­sion measure­ments. His interest includes in partic­u­lar exotic new states of matter, such as super­solids, which display both super­fluid and crystal­line proper­ties at the same time.

We look forward to contin­ued fruit­ful inter­ac­tions with our newest fellows and their groups.