
IQST strives to fulfil its mission through a series of coordin­ated programmes, in research, inter­na­tion­al­isa­tion and network­ing, outreach and communication.

Postdoc programme

IQST Postdoc programme

IQST is invit­ing applic­a­tions for its Postdoc­toral Fellow­ships. The success­ful candid­ate will have the oppor­tun­ity to work in an inter­dis­cip­lin­ary research envir­on­ment at IQST. We encour­age applic­a­tions that are focused on collab­or­at­ive and cross-disciplinary research includ­ing collab­or­a­tion with several IQST groups. The programme is focused on attract­ing applic­ants from places other than the IQST Fellows institutions.

Spark­ing programme

IQST Spark­ing programme for MSc students

The IQST spark­ing programme brings excel­lent Master students in touch with quantum research in IQST and funds schol­ar­ships for MSc projects in one of the IQST groups. The mission of the IQST spark­ing programme is also to support diversity, equal­ity, and inter­na­tion­al­isa­tion at IQST. We especially encour­age Master students from groups under­rep­res­en­ted in quantum science and techno­logy to apply.

Gradu­at­ing programme

IQST gradu­ate programme funded by QuantumBW

The IQST gradu­ate programme funds 10 PhD projects. The focus of these positions is on closing the gap between basic research and techno­logy devel­op­ment, i.e. projects with high techno­lo­gical poten­tial which are still at an early stage. You are very welcome to apply for a PhD project as a tandem of an academic and an indus­trial partner. 

Note: The deadline for proposal submis­sion has been exten­ded to Septem­ber 15th, 2024.

Hosting programme

IQST summer students and student internships

The IQST hosting programme invites excel­lent students from external inter­na­tional insti­tu­tions to join groups of IQST fellows for a limited time. The hosting programme supports bring­ing in talen­ted inter­na­tional students to IQST and fosters the exchange of knowledge. 

Highlight­ing programme

Content, object­ive and scope

The IQST highlight­ing programme connects IQST to other leaders in quantum science, and advert­ise quantum science and techno­lo­gies as a whole. The IQST keynote lectures are given by renowned and world-leading research­ers in the field and are open to every­one, includ­ing the general public.

Resid­ing programme

Content, object­ive and scope

The IQST resid­ing programme invites science writers, editors and journ­al­ists at the IQST insti­tutes to shine light on quantum science from new angles. The scient­ists, in turn, learn from the writers about the challenges of getting science attract­ively in the media.

Boost­ing programme

Start compact blue-sky projects

We support projects in which the funding can be flexibly used over two years to test a specific question quickly. The programme is open to the entire IQST community and specific­ally aiming at early-career fellows. The projects should be aligned with one of IQST’s tracks.

Connect­ing programme

Foster academic exchange and estab­lish links

We support PhD and postdoc second­ments to other leading academic quantum insti­tu­tions and global players in quantum industry world­wide, cover­ing travel and accom­mod­a­tion for up to three months.

Visit­ing programme

Invite external researchers 

The IQST visitor fellow­ship covers costs for travel and accom­mod­a­tion during guest stays for one to three months at IQST insti­tutes. The funds are inten­ded to estab­lish and strengthen collab­or­a­tions and cooper­at­ive research with partic­u­lar relev­ance to the IQST community.

Network­ing programme

Estab­lish new connec­tions and networks within IQST

Plant seeds for new future research direc­tions. Network­ing within IQST is facil­it­ated through the IQST open-topic workshops, IQST colloquium talks by external research­ers, IQST network­ing events, and related activities.