A celebration of quantum
The special symposium “IQST: A Decade of Quantum Advancements — Past, Present, and Future” in Stuttgart was a celebration of the first 10 years of IQST, and of quantum science and technology as a whole.
When the Center for Integrated Quantum Science and Technology (IQST) was founded in 2014, it was one of the first of its kind in the world. Its ‘founding fathers’, Wolfgang Schleich (Ulm University) and Tilman Pfau (University of Stuttgart), had the clear vision that a holistic approach was needed to advance quantum science in general and the emerging field of quantum technology in particular. To harness unique properties of quantum systems for innovative technologies, physicists, chemists, engineers and potential users have to work hand in hand and develop novel theoretical and experimental concepts, implement them in practical systems, and establish new capabilities in well-chosen application to ultimately exploit their full potential.
This cross-disciplinary approach became a hallmark of IQST. In her opening address, IQST Director Stefanie Barz (University of Stuttgart), who leads the centre since 2022 together with Fedor Jelezko (Ulm University), gave a broad overview of what this means in practice. The IQST network has mentored more than 125 PhD students across scientific disciplines, funded more than 80 collaborative projects, welcomed 105 visitors, awarded eight teacher-student scholarships and six family-support grants, and sponsored 32 conferences. The community fostered exchange through dedicated IQST Days, symposia, workshops and PhD retreats, reached out to the public in trade shows and by engaging with school classes, and secured an impressive volume of external funding for projects at the heart of the IQST mission.
A decade of growth
Over this past decade, the field of quantum technologies has gained an astonishing momentum, attracting a huge number of researchers across academic disciplines and industries worldwide. Stakeholders in science, policy and education, as well as the general public, are also becoming increasingly aware of and interested in the ‘second quantum revolution’ and its promise to lead to new generations of technologies for computing, communication and sensing. This growth is directly reflected in the development of IQST, which had 23 fellows in 2014 and today brings together 52 researchers and their groups. The network now extends beyond the three core institutions — the University of Stuttgart, Ulm University and the Max Planck Institute for Solid State Research in Stuttgart — bringing into the IQST family colleagues from other institutions in Baden-Württemberg with whom IQST researchers have collaborated for many years. Major new initiatives have emerged as well, in which the IQST and its members play central roles, such as QuantumBW, which was launched last year.
The driving role of IQST in the wider ‘quantum ecosystem’ in Baden-Württemberg was also an aspect that Wolfram Ressel, Rector of the University of Stuttgart, and André Schmandke, Head of Research and Innovation Policy & Research in Life and Natural Sciences at the Baden-Württemberg Ministry of Science, Research and the Arts, emphasised in their welcome addresses. The vibrancy of the IQST community was evident in the talks given by IQST Fellows, which covered the full spectrum of quantum science and technology, but also in the way the IQST community — especially young scientists — interacted during the discussion and poster sessions and at the conference dinner, seizing the opportunity to network with the many friends and colleagues from academia and industry who had come to Stuttgart.
Naturally, the IQST activities take place in a highly active international environment. It was therefore a particular privilege and pleasure that many esteemed colleagues from around the world were able to join our celebration. The engaging plenary talks by Ivette Fuentes (University of Southampton), Mutsuko Hatano (Tokyo Tech), Pascale Senellart (University of Paris Saclay), Michelle Simmons (University of New South Wales), Andreas Wallraff (ETH Zurich) and Gregor Weihs (University of Innsbruck) provided an exquisite overview of some of the most exciting research going on in the field today.
A bright future
Quantum technology is a young field, and the symposium demonstrated how attractive it is not only academically, but also for those with an entrepreneurial spirit. During the IQST Start-up Session, representatives from Swabian Instruments, Printoptics, QC Design, NVision, Diatope and 21 Semiconductors gave an inspiring insight into the wider economic and societal impact that quantum technologies will have.
As IQST enters its second decade, the future could not be brighter. Quantum technologies are rapidly becoming available for applications in ever new fields, opening up new uncharted frontiers to be explored, creating new needs for the emerging quantum-technology ecosystem, and presenting new opportunities and challenges to promote quantum science and technology in a society that is increasingly aware of the potential of quantum technologies. This makes our holistic approach as relevant today as it was when IQST was founded.
Full programme
Photo credits: Jan Will