IQST: A Decade of Quantum Advance­ments — Past, Present, and Future

IQST is celeb­rat­ing its 10th anniversary, and we are marking this milestone with a special symposium “IQST: A Decade of Quantum Advance­ments — Past, Present, and Future”.

The symposium will take place at Haus der Wirtschaft (add addrss) from Febru­ary 12th to 14th, 2024. The symposium features plenary talks by Ivette Fuentes (Univer­sity of Southamp­ton), Mutsuko Hatano (Tokyo Tech), Pascale Senel­lart (Univer­sity Paris Saclay), Michelle Simmons (Univer­sity of New South Wales), Andreas Wallraff (ETH Zurich), and Gregor Weihs (Univer­sity of Innsbruck) , together with excit­ing scientific talks from our own IQST community and inspir­a­tional present­a­tions by start-ups. 

Estab­lished in 2014, IQST was one of the first inter­na­tional initi­at­ives for quantum techno­lo­gies and recog­nised early on how all aspects from funda­mental quantum physics to engin­eer­ing sciences and applic­a­tions must be considered holist­ic­ally. This is as relev­ant today as it was then. 

Programme of the symposium: 

Regis­tra­tion is closed: If you would like to take part and have not yet registered, please send an email to

For updates and insights leading up to the symposium, follow us on LinkedIn.

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