Quantum Alliance

IQST is part of the Quantum Alliance, a consor­tium of German Clusters of Excel­lence and research centers working in quantum science and techno­logy that has been founded in 2019. The QA office coordin­a­tion altern­ates yearly between consor­tium members.


  • One voice for funda­mental research in quantum science and techno­logy
  • Coordin­a­tion and discus­sion of inter­na­tional / national funding applic­a­tions
  • Strength­en­ing and promot­ing inter­na­tional research market­ing
  • Support network­ing of early career research­ers through­out Germany e.g. with community events
  • Make educa­tion and career oppor­tun­it­ies more access­ible

Discover the cutting-edge research within the Quantum Alliance, the various support programs for early career research­ers and young invest­ig­at­ors offered at parti­cip­at­ing insti­tu­tions, and check out the upcom­ing events for the scientific community from academia and industry as well as for the broader public via