Job alert

Execut­ive Director (m/f/d)

We are looking for an Execut­ive Director to take a central role in the IQST — Center for Integ­rated Quantum Science and Techno­logy, by leading and devel­op­ing the manage­ment of IQST, imple­ment­ing exist­ing IQST programmes and initi­at­ing new ones, commu­nic­at­ing with the IQST community and repres­ent­ing the IQST, and managing the IQST administration.

IQST is dedic­ated to the devel­op­ment of innov­at­ive techno­lo­gies based on quantum physics. It was founded in 2014 as one of the first centres of its kind world­wide. Our aim is to foster syner­gies between the natural, engin­eer­ing and life sciences. IQST consists of a team of research­ers from the fields of physics, chemistry, engin­eer­ing and life sciences working at the Univer­sity of Stutt­gart, Ulm Univer­sity and the Max-Planck Insti­tute for Solid State Research, Stutt­gart, Germany, as well as other univer­sit­ies in Baden-Württemberg. IQST is currently funded by the Carl-Zeiss-Stiftung, Ulm Univer­sity, and the Univer­sity of Stuttgart.

We are looking for candid­ates with knowledge of multi-stakeholder project manage­ment and the ability to manage paral­lel workflows and prior­it­ise accord­ing to object­ives and oppor­tun­it­ies, excel­lent organ­isa­tional skills, demand for preci­sion, atten­tion to detail, strong commu­nic­a­tion skills and ability to convey complex ideas to a wide range of stake­hold­ers in English and German, excel­lent scientific writing skills in English and German, ideally manage­ment exper­i­ence in a univer­sity context and with external funding applic­a­tions, a high level of self-motivation, problem-solving ability and flexib­il­ity as well as the ability to work both in a team and independ­ently, and an MSc or PhD in physics or another natural or engin­eer­ing science, prefer­ably with a background in quantum science and technology. 

Inter­ested? Please see the advert­ise­ment below for more inform­a­tion and details on how to apply. We look forward to hearing from you.

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