IQST — Quantum Inform­a­tion National Labor­at­ory of Hungary Workshop on Quantum Science and Technology

Workshop on Quantum Science and Technology

After last year’s success­ful workshop in Stutt­gart, which led to several new collab­or­a­tions, Center for Integ­rated Quantum Science and Techno­logy and the Quantum Inform­a­tion National Labor­at­ory of Hungary want to bring together ecosys­tem research­ers and developers in a new workshop. 

The workshop will offer a ground for discus­sions on topics in the field of quantum science and techno­logy as well as on collab­or­at­ive projects. In addition, there will be a special session for the industry.

The workshop is open to the IQST community and regis­tra­tion is mandat­ory through the provided invit­a­tion link.

Date: 3 – 4. April 2024


Multi­me­dia Room, M26, ZQB (Centre of Quantum BioScience), Meyer­hof­straße, 89081 Ulm 


3 April from 10.00 to 18.30 Scientific session with 2 breaks (topics related to quantum science and techno­logy and collab­or­at­ive projects) 

4 April from 9.00 to 11.30 Industry session 

from 13.00 to 16.00 Scientific session