When art meets science

Art and science are famously inter­twined, with concepts such as symmetry, abstrac­tion and challen­ging your own percep­tion having import­ant roles in both. On Tuesday this week, IQST Director Prof. Stefanie Barz had the pleas­ure and privilege of visit­ing Petra Olschow­ski, the Minis­ter of Science, Research and Arts for the State of Baden-Württemberg (Minis­terium für Wissenschaft, Forschung und Kunst Baden-Württemberg) for a meeting that was centred on both, art and science.

Professor Barz travelled to the ministry in the centre of the state capital Stutt­gart to present Minis­ter Olschow­ski with a copy of a graphic that was commis­sioned for IQST’s tenth anniversary, which we celeb­rated earlier this year. To mark the occasion, artist Andreas Tesch created the graphic “Yes and no.”, which captures both plain elegance and latent ambiguity. 

The silkscreen-on-paper graphic was printed in an edition of 50 copies. We are delighted that one of them now adorns the offices of Minis­ter Olschow­ski, who was a lecturer in art history — among various other roles in the Arts — before becom­ing Minis­ter of Science, Research and Arts.