#WeQuantum at Quantum Effects

We had the pleas­ure and privilege of showcas­ing our activ­it­ies and sharing our passion for quantum science and techno­logy at the Quantum Effects exhib­i­tion and confer­ence in Stuttgart

Last week, the first Quantum Effects exhib­i­tion and confer­ence was held at Messe Stutt­gart. The aim was to provide an arena to showcase the poten­tial of application-oriented quantum techno­lo­gies and to foster exchange. For IQST, it was a highly success­ful event, provid­ing a unique oppor­tun­ity to reach out to a wide audience and to share our vision of how innov­at­ive techno­lo­gies emerge from funda­mental quantum physics.

Promin­ent guests at the IQST Quantum Effects booth

We were delighted that so many people stopped by, inter­ac­ted with our exhib­its — from a virtual lab tour to hands-on quantum-optics exper­i­ments to real quantum devices — and asked questions. And we were partic­u­larly pleased that so many young visit­ors, includ­ing school classes, came to take with us a dive into the quantum world.

We were happy to meet and inter­act with many visit­ors to the IQST booth, which was part of the joint stand of the QuantumBW network. Among those who came to visit were several promin­ent guest, includ­ing Winfried Kretschmann, Minister-President of the State of Baden-Württemberg, and Petra Olschow­ski, Baden-Württemberg Minis­ter for Science, Research and the Arts, as well as high-ranking industry repres­ent­at­ives — all of whom showed great interest in the exhib­its and the quantum techno­logy behind them.

Lots of action at our Quantum Effects stand

On display was also the strength of the quantum community in Baden–Württemberg. We shared a stand with many of our colleagues, collab­or­at­ors and friends across the QuantumBW network. Count­less helping hands made the event a success, from planning how to share our passion for quantum science and techno­logy with others, to setting up the stand, to guiding our visit­ors through the exhibits. 

Among the most popular features on the IQST booth at last week’s Quantum Effects exhib­i­tion and confer­ence in Stutt­gart was our Photo Box. Many visit­ors took the oppor­tun­ity to get entangled with Alice, Bob and Schrödinger’s cat — in one state or another, or both — and to take a print home as a souvenir.

The team spirit was also evident at the Network­ing Night after the first day of the event, which provided a welcome oppor­tun­ity to network in a relaxed atmosphere — and to exchange ideas for the next Quantum Effects fair and confer­ence, which will take place on 8 and 9 October 2024, again in Stuttgart. 

We hope to see you all there! 

Photo credits

IQST: Dimitra Kanta and Shreya Kumar 

Fraunhofer Insti­tute for Indus­trial Engin­eer­ing IAO: Ludmilla Parsyak 

and Landesmesse Stutt­gart GmbH