IQST retreat for early-career researchers: 22–24 of May 2024 @Reisensburg castle, Guenzburg
All MSc, PhD students and postdocs working on quantum-related topics in research groups in Baden-Württemberg are kindly invited to join our retreat.
Registration deadline: 30 April 2024
You can expect:
Diverse Scientific Talks from Leading International Researchers, Social Activities, Networking with fellow PhD Students and Professors, Soft-Skill Seminars, Poster Sessions, …
Confirmed Invited Speakers (Topic of the talk is still open):
Laëtitia Farinacci, University of Stuttgart
Electron Spin Resonance Scanning Tunneling Microscopy
Philipp Preiss, MPI Quantum Optics
Quantum Gasses in Optical Lattices
Gerard McCaul, Tulane University (USA)
Superoscillations and Non-Linear Optical Response
Friedemann Reinhard, Uni Rostock
Nanoscale NV NMR Spectroscopy
Markus Münzenberg, Uni Greifswald
Ultrafast Magnetism, Spintronics, Magnonics
Elke Scheer, Uni Konstanz
Mesoscopic Superconductivity and Nanoelectronics
Urbasi Sinha, Raman Research Institute (India)
Quantum Information and Computing
Markus Gräfe, TU Darmstadt
Quantum Imaging and Microscopy
Registrations are closed. If you would still like to join, please contact us per Email at
With the registration I agree to the data privacy statement. The data I have given will be stored and processed until the end of the IQST retreat 2024.
With the registration, the participants agree to photos being taken and then used for IQST outreach purposes(e.g. on IQST website, social media, print).
Preliminary programme