Regis­tra­tion for the IQST retreat 2024

IQST retreat for early-career research­ers: 22–24 of May 2024 @Reisensburg castle, Guenzburg

All MSc, PhD students and postdocs working on quantum-related topics in research groups in Baden-Württemberg are kindly invited to join our retreat.

Regis­tra­tion deadline: 30 April 2024

You can expect:

Diverse Scientific Talks from Leading Inter­na­tional Research­ers, Social Activ­it­ies, Network­ing with fellow PhD Students and Profess­ors, Soft-Skill Seminars, Poster Sessions, …

Confirmed Invited Speak­ers (Topic of the talk is still open):

Laëti­tia Farin­acci, Univer­sity of Stuttgart

Electron Spin Reson­ance Scanning Tunnel­ing Microscopy 

Philipp Preiss, MPI Quantum Optics

Quantum Gasses in Optical Lattices 

Gerard McCaul, Tulane Univer­sity (USA)

Super­os­cil­la­tions and Non-Linear Optical Response 

Friedemann Reinhard, Uni Rostock

Nanoscale NV NMR Spectroscopy 

Markus Münzen­berg, Uni Greifswald

Ultra­fast Magnet­ism, Spintron­ics, Magnonics 

Elke Scheer, Uni Konstanz

Mesoscopic Super­con­duct­iv­ity and Nanoelectronics 

Urbasi Sinha, Raman Research Insti­tute (India)

Quantum Inform­a­tion and Computing 

Markus Gräfe, TU Darmstadt

Quantum Imaging and Microscopy 


Regis­tra­tions are closed. If you would still like to join, please contact us per Email at

With the regis­tra­tion I agree to the data privacy state­ment. The data I have given will be stored and processed until the end of the IQST retreat 2024.

With the regis­tra­tion, the parti­cipants agree to photos being taken and then used for IQST outreach purposes(e.g. on IQST website, social media, print).

Prelim­in­ary programme