IQST Day 2025

We are looking forward to welcom­ing you at IQST Day on Febru­ary 12, 2025, taking place at the Max Planck Insti­tute for Solid State Research (Heisen­bergstraße 1, 70569 Stuttgart).

Prelim­in­ary program: 

- Begin at 09:30 -
Session 1:
09:30 — 09:45: Welcome (IQST directors)
09:45 — 10:40: Keynote Talk: Heike Riel (IBM)
10:45 — 11:00: Michael Pradel (Stutt­gart) — Reliable quantum comput­ing

11:00 — 11:30: Coffee Break

Session 2: IQST and BW
11:30 — 11:50: Markus Oberthaler (Heidel­berg) — Quantum Field Simulat­ors – from Cosmo­logy to Supersolidity 
11:50 — 12:10: Anja Metel­mann (KIT) — Nonlin­ear­ity as a resource – or a tale of sharks and cats 
12:10 — 12:30: Kai Bongs (Ulm, DLR) — Quantum Techno­lo­gies in Space
12:30 — 12:50: Rüdiger Quay (Freiburg) — Mater­i­als and Devices for Quantum Sensing and Quantum Comput­ing

- 12:50 — 14:15: Lunch Break & Posters -

Session 3:
14:15 — 15:10: Keynote Talk: Alex Retzker (Hebrew University)
15:10 — 15:30: Laeti­tia Farin­acci (Stutt­gart) — tbd 
15:30 — 15:50: Stephan Welte (Stutt­gart) — tbd

15:50 — 16:15: Coffee Break

Session 4: Chemistry and Mater­i­als at IQST
16:15 — 16:35: Simon Krause (MPI-FKF/Ulm) — From Molecule to Mater­ial — Functional molecu­lar frame­works as soft porous crystals and quantum platforms
16:35 — 16:55: Anna Roslawska (MPI-FKF) — Optics with sub-nm preci­sion
16:55 — 17:15: Lorenzo Tesi (Stutt­gart) — tbd 
17:15 — 17:35: Peter Roesky (KIT) — tbd 

17:35 — 19:30: Poster Session and Networking

Regis­tra­tion form: Please fill in the form below by Jan 15th to register for IQST day 2025.

Please enable JavaS­cript in your browser to complete this form.
IQST affil­i­ation
I have special needs and require assist­ance (we will contact you to accom­mod­ate you):

With the regis­tra­tion, I confirm that I read the data privacy state­ment. I agree that the data I have given will be stored and processed until the end of the IQST day 2025. 

I agree to photos being taken at the event and to their public­a­tion (e.g. on IQST website, social media, print).