ERC Proof of Concept Grant for Tim Langen

Congrat­u­la­tions to IQST Early Career Researcher Tim Langen from the Univer­sity of Stutt­gart, who has been awarded a presti­gi­ous Proof of Concept (PoC) grant by the European Research Council (ERC) for his research project MiniAtomQ.

For Langen, the PoC grant will enable the explor­a­tion of miniatur­ized devices for single-atom quantum techno­lo­gies. The scientific and techno­lo­gical basis for this work is laid in Langen’s ERC Start­ing project NEWMAT, in which he and his team work estab­lish a new exper­i­mental platform to study the proper­ties of supersolids.

Langen is one 90 grantees of the final ERC PoC funding round of 2022. Only holders of ERC main grants (Start­ing, Consol­id­ator, Advanced or Synergy) are eligible to compete for PoC grants, which provide a lump sum of 150.000 Euro to help research­ers to bridge the gap between the discov­er­ies stemming from their frontier research and the practical applic­a­tion of the findings.

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